
Your Questions

Q: Do i need to have a ticket?

A: Yes all speakers need to register for a ticket at https://scottishsummit.com with the account that submitted your session with, Feel free to join us at the Workshops and other events

Q: I said that i needed a hotel, how do i found out about that?

A: If you requested a hotel you will have been allocated one for the 17th and 18th of October, the information on the hotel and room type will be on your profile page in the Scottish Summit website.

Q: I want to update my picture, how do i do that?

A: At the moment (June) we will not be updating any session or speaker information as we do data sync's to other platforms and create material.

Q: Where is my speaker image?

A: We are awaiting sponsor sign off on the design of the speaker cards, they will be supplied in June along with an email signature banner and will be availvile on your speaker profile.

Q: What do i need on the day?

A: You will need your laptop with an HDMI connection, there will be tech support in each of the rooms.

Q: Is there a slide deck.

A: Yes there is a slide deck that is currently awaiting sign off and will be availvile on your speaker profile.